Tuesday, May 3, 2011

                     Tuesdays with Morrie

        Dying is not as bad as people have to make for themselves it shows you a different perspective on the world and the culture we live in Morrie proves this in the novel “Tuesdays with Morrie”. In this novel Morrie shows that he can help people learn about some of life’s most important lessons and how today society is changing in some bad ways. One thing he says to shows this is that “Dying is the only thing to be sad over .Living unhappily is something else…Why [is that] for one thing the culture we have does not make people feel happy about themselves. We’re teaching [people] the wrong things.” This is a good thing to think about how society is teaching us the wrong things like how we should look and act. One example of this is how advertising is used in a way that if you do not use or own a certain product you will be inferior and not as perfect then the people that do own it. This is one thing I see everywhere in our culture but mostly in girls trying to stay with the lasted trends and the constant never-ending race to look perfect. Another thing I see a lot of in society today is commercialism.An example of commercialism in today’s culture that I see most often is with products from Apple and Black Berry. The reason I see these in abundance is because when people own one of these products they think that if they do not have the most recent version of there device they are not as cool. These are just a few example of how society has been teaching people the wrong things and I think is a point that Morrie thought was important to understand.

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